IAS Introduced Bridging course to PGDA
Do you have an an older accredited qualification but still want to be a CA (SA)? IAS is introducing a bridging course to our accredited PGDA running from January 2019. The course will provide an assessed access route to our accredited CTA.

The bridging programme is specifically designed to address all of the important parts of the undergraduate syllabus, so it includes the normal 4 subjects, Management Accounting and Finance, Auditing, Financial Accounting and Taxation, but more importantly, includes additional skills such as critical thinking, maths, and writing skills. The programme was restructured in 2023 to have a Level 1 and Level 2 (further information available on the website under Programme).
To make is even more special, we have integrated digital skills to address the needs of the 4th Industrial revolution. The world is changing, and we are leading the charge of reskilling the workforce for the new environment. This involves introducing and using tools that we can identify, grasp and consciously use to improve, powerful enablers, cyber physical systems, that influence our perception and interaction with the world.
The bridging programme is not an accredited programme, but leads to the accredited CTA.